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Geeky Cross Stitch

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2016
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PDT)
  • Geek Girls HQ 24509 Walnut St #203, Newhall, CA 91321


  • Members, only select this option if you have attended a previous Geeky Cross Stitch, and are still working on a previous kit. The Materials Fee is waived since you will be using the same materials as the previous meeting.
  • This option is for members only. The membership fee covers all meetings, and you only need to pay the materials fee of $15.
  • First Geek Girls Forever Meeting. Meeting fee waived, materials fee still required. Please present voucher to event coordinator when checking in.
  • Non-Members are always welcome! There is a $10 meeting fee and a $15 materials fee.

    Non-Members use this option ONLY if they have attended a previous Geeky Cross Stitch night, and are still working on completing a previous kit. The Materials Fee is waived, as you are still using the materials from a previous meeting.

    If you were a Geek Girls Forever Member, you'd pay only $15 for this meeting! Memberships are $30 per month and grant you access to every meeting, all month long! Members still pay materials fees when applicable.
  • Non-members are always welcome! There is a $10 meeting fee and a $15 materials fee.

    If you were a Geek Girls Forever Member, you'd pay only $15 for this meeting!

    Memberships are $30 per month and grant you access to every meeting, all month long! Members still pay materials fees when applicable.

Registration is closed

Claire from An Unexpected Hobby will be here with a selection of her amazing geek-themed cross stitch patterns.   Commune with your fellow geek girls while working on one of her awesome kits.

Don't know how to cross-stitch?  She'll teach you!

Your $15.00 Materials Fee will get you a deluxe kit of your choice.  Don't worry if you don't finish it in one sitting!  You can bring it back with you next time and waive the Materials Fee when you work on a kit from a previous meeting.

**Rushing from work, school, life... All our events are food and drink friendly. Bring your dinner, snack, coffee whatever!**

Members pay $15 Materials Fee
Non-Members pay $10 Meeting Fee & $15 Materials Fee

Click here to read all about our Geeky Cross Stitch meetings!

Geek Girls Forever copyright 2015 All rights reserved.                                 24509 Walnut St. #203, Newhall CA 91321 661-505-8801
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