Geek Girls Forever has partnered with Fandom Social to bring you this amazing opportunity to view a private screening of Black Panther!
AND tickets are on sale now, and with our exclusive code: FSGGS10, you'll get 10% off your ticket purchase. So cool!
A few things that make this event super cool:
ADVANCED SCREENING. We will be showing this much-aniticipated movie the day before it releases nation-wide!
RESERVED SEATING. Let me say that again. RESERVED. SEATING. This means no lines. This means no lines. Also, no lines. You'll buy your tickets in advance and you get to PICK YOUR OWN SEATS, pay for them, and they are reserved for you. You can show up 5 minutes before the movie starts, and there your seats will be, just waiting for you.
ALL SUPERFAN AUDIENCE. There's nothing like seeing an event movie with a theater full of people who are just as excited as you are. This screening is ONLY open to people who buy the tickets using THIS link, and we will make this an event to remember. AND cosplay IS encouraged!
Ok so here's some details...
NO tickets for this screening will be sold at the theater. It's online ONLY.
Smartphones and Eventbrite don't get along all that well. Although you can buy tickets, you won't get to choose which seats are reserved for you. We recommend using an actual computer to purchase your tickets so you can pick exactly where you'd like to sit.
If you are buying tickets with a group of friends, it's highly recommended that ONE person click on the link to buy all of the tickets at the same time. It will be harder for you to arrange seats together if you buy them separately, and NO CHANGES can be made to your tickets once you've purchased them. No seat switchies.
Please keep in mind, if you buy tickets for a group all under one name, EVERYONE in the group needs to be present and together as you enter the theater. No exceptions.
Any other questions? Let us know!
Tickets MUST be purchased through this link:
Questions? Go here