CHANGES TO OUR D&D GAMEPLAY - we are limiting gameplay to 10 people an event. You MUST register on our website to reserve your seat ahead of time.
We are now running 4 campaigns of D&D a month! If you are going to play more than one campaign, we ask that you create a character for each group. And have no fear, your character can drop in and out out the campaign as your schedule permits.
Here's what makes our D&D awesome:
We are always gal friendly, but guys you are more than welcome to join us.
Geeky Details:
(This event runs the longest time-wise out of all our campaigns, we are here late!)
- We'll be playing 5th Edition
- New players are currently starting at level 2, feel free to create your own character or we are happy to help you create one before gameplay- We'll be playing a 5E adventure
- Players can use any combinations of options from the official books (Players can also Artificer or Blood Hunter if they like)
-We'll be using the Dawn War Pantheon, with a few changes
- No homebrew or Unearthed Arcana
You are welcome to come to our Tuesday campaign or our Friday campaign, or both! Whatever your schedule allows.
Members and Non-members both pay $10 for this event
***We're nice people and we pay the DM's, so we can not accept first time vouchers for D&D. You are more than welcome to use your voucher at any of our other events.***
Terms and Conditions:
Paid Registrations and Materials Fees can be cancelled 72 hours ahead of event for a full refund. Registrations cancelled less than 72 hours before event but before 24 hours of event can be held as a credit on your account towards a future event. Registrations cancelled 24 hours or less of event are forfeited. Materials fees cancelled less than 72 hours ahead of event are forfeited.
CONTACT US in regards to your cancellation